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Liquid Ledger 2 Release Notes

Jump to release notes for:

Version 2.4.1 Release Notes

Notable Fixes and Improvements

Version 2.4 Release Notes

New Features


Notable Fixes and Improvements

OS X Lion Support


Check Printing

Import and Export

Interface and Workflow



Version 2.3.3 Release Notes

This release improves application stability, fixes an issue with importing amounts from QIF files, and includes a number of other fixes and improvements.

Notable Fixes and Improvements


Import and Export

Interface and Workflow



Changes in Version 2.3.2

This update fixes critical compatibility issues with Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.5 and later, it improves check printing functionality, and it includes several other fixes and improvements. This update is recommended for all users.

Notable Fixes and Improvements



Check Printing

Interface and Workflow

Import / Export



Changes in Version 2.3.1

This update fixes compatibility issues between Version 2.3 and Mac OS X 10.4, including an issue where clicking in the Browser sidebar would cause a crash. It also improves the ability to reorder transactions in an account using drag and drop.

Changes in Version 2.3

New Features

Backup to .Mac

Liquid Ledger now automatically saves a backup copy of your document to your iDisk so you can recover your financial data if your computer is ever lost or damaged. For more information on backing up to .Mac, refer to the help documentation by choosing “Liquid Ledger Help” from the Help menu.

Floating Transfers/Track Interface

A new “Show Split Transaction” command in the Account menu makes it easier to split a transaction's amount among several income or expense accounts by using a new floating inspector panel that remains anchored to the selected transaction. The new command also offers a keyboard shortcut so you can define a split transaction without lifting your fingers from the keyboard.

New Inspector Interface

The Inspector panel has been redesigned to make it easier to view and edit the attributes of the selected transaction.

Notable Fixes and Improvements


Interface and Workflow

Other Fixes

Changes in Version 2.2

This update introduces several new features and over two dozen fixes and improvements.


Version 2.2 has changed the document file format and documents saved with this version will not be compatible with previous releases. When opening an existing Liquid Ledger 2 document, you will be asked to upgrade your document to work with this release. A backup of your existing document will be saved in the same folder as the original in case you wish to compare your upgraded data against the previous version.


If you use either the investment or foreign currency features in Liquid Ledger, this release corrects some minor issues with capital gains calculations which may result in slight discrepancies between financial statements generated with this release as compared to previous releases. If discrepancies exist, they will appear in the "Realized Gains and Losses" account on the Income Statement and in the home currency valuations of foreign currency accounts on the Balance Sheet. It is recommended that you keep a backup copy of your existing Liquid Ledger 2 data (prior to the upgrade) in case you need to explain or investigate any such discrepancies in the future.

New Features

Transaction groups

You can now organize transactions into groups by selecting a set of transactions in the main window and choosing "Group" from the Selection menu. Transaction groups offer a convenient way to organize transactions by month or to group related transactions, such as those that appear on the same monthly bank statement.

Password-Protected Documents

The new "Set Password" command in the File menu enables you to protect your financial data by requiring a password before opening a document. For added convenience, passwords can be added to your Mac OS X Keychain by selecting the corresponding checkbox in the "Set Password" dialog. This enables documents to be unlocked automatically if you open them while logged into your user account on your computer.

Clipboard and Drag and Drop Support

Liquid Ledger now supports the ability to cut, copy, paste, and duplicate transactions using the corresponding commands in the Edit menu. In addition, you can now use drag and drop to move or copy transactions between accounts. Drag and drop even works between documents, so you can easily copy transactions from one document to another via drag and drop.

New Printing Support with Interactive Page Break Preview

The Print command is now fully functional so you can print the contents of any window, such as the transactions for any given account. In addition, a new "Page Breaks" command in the View menu enables you to see where page breaks will occur if the contents of the current window are too wide to fit on a single page. You can interactively control where page breaks occur by resizing the window or table columns accordingly.

New Transaction Attributes Panel in the Inspector

The Inspector panel now includes a new Attributes panel for editing transaction attributes. The new panel enables you to batch-edit a set of transactions, such as changing the exchange rate of several transactions at once, by selecting the transactions and setting the desired attribute in the Inspector. To use the Inspector, click on an account in the Browser View to load its transactions, then choose "Show Inspector" from the View menu.

Multi-Account Transaction Searching

You can now load transactions for several accounts at once by clicking on a corresponding folder in the Browser View. For example, clicking on the "Accounts" folder loads all transactions for all accounts in your document, while clicking on the "Banking" folder loads the transactions for all bank accounts in your document. This enables you to search for transactions in any account by first loading all transactions and then entering a search term in the Search field of the window's toolbar.

Creating Income and Expense Accounts On-the-Fly

Liquid Ledger now supports the ability to create income and expense accounts on-the-fly. When you enter an income or expense value in a transaction's Transfer/Track column that doesn't match an existing income or expense, you will be asked if you would like to create it. This option is enabled by default but can be turned off by choosing "Preferences" from the Liquid Ledger menu and deselecting the corresponding checkbox.

Notable Fixes and Improvements


Interface and Workflow


Multiple Currencies



Changes in Version 2.1.2

This update primarily corrects issues relating to multiple currency support. If your document was saved with a previous version of Liquid Ledger 2 and it contains one or more foreign currency accounts, please read the section below entitled “Correcting Foreign Currency Transactions.”

The following is a list of fixes and improvements in this release:

Correcting Foreign Currency Transactions

There were two specific issues with previous versions of Liquid Ledger 2 that may require you to manually correct transactions in foreign currency accounts.

  1. If a warning icon appears in the Transfer/Track column of a foreign currency transaction, this indicates that the transaction is unbalanced. If the transaction appears to be fully assigned, you can typically correct the unbalanced condition by double-clicking the transaction's amount and then tabbing to another field, after which the warning icon should no longer be displayed.
  2. In some cases, it was possible for a foreign currency transaction's exchange rate to become invalid so that the value did not fall within an expected range. For example, if most exchange rates in a foreign currency account fall between 0.500 and 0.750, any transactions with exchange rates like 0.01 or 10.00 would likely be invalid and would need to be corrected with a more appropriate exchange rate. To quickly locate whether any such transactions exist, enable the Exchange Rate column by choosing "Show View Options" from the View menu, then click on the Exchange Rate column's title to sort transactions by exchange rate. Any transactions with extreme values will occur at the beginning or end of the list of transactions.

Opening an existing docment with this version may cause realized gains and losses to be automatically corrected, which in turn means the Realized Gain and Losses income account balance may change.

Changes in Version 2.1.1

Changes in Version 2.1


Check Printing



Multiple Currencies


Scheduled Transactions

Changes in Version 2.0.4

Changes in Version 2.0.3


If you previously created a new document using a prior release of Liquid Ledger 2.0 and your home currency is not the Canadian dollar, the exchange rates defined in your document will be incorrect. You will need to update your exchange rates either by selecting the “Currencies” option in the main window's sidebar and manually entering exchange rates or by choosing the “Import” command from the File menu to import exchange rates from a comma-separated or tab-delimited values file. This issue does not affect users who upgraded documents from Liquid Ledger Version 1.5.

Changes in Version 2.0.2

Changes in Version 2.0.1